Sunday, January 20, 2013

Key to overcoming evil

Every situation has its good and evil.the way we overcome evil is not by resisting evil,but by focusing on the good thing in that situation.So the next time you are having trouble lift your mind to a higher realm of peace and tranquility.Most happy people focus on good things than things that frustrate them,they choose to focus on happy things.People who are helplessly enlsaved by there mind are constantly battling bad thoughts and a plagued mind. 2 corinthians 10:5 tells us

5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ,
This means you must catch every thought that comes into your mind and act as the thought cop and hold to captivity every thought that comes into your mind.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Visit to Heaven

This is an experiance God gave this man to touch peopls hearts.This is an amazing testimony,i hope you are blessed by watching.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rise Above the Muck

Our Universe is large and vast yet we do not think twice about it we would rather think of our problems instead.If we could just have the ability to be creative and think larger than our circumstances we would overcome them.Our problems are so small compared to the vast universe we live in.It is assounding that the minutest of things can bring a man pain and discomfort,when all he has to do is look up and wonder how big this universe is.His problems would vanish into the sun,he would be lifted up and brought to a new level of understanding.Perhaps a new level of conciousness.Man is greater than he gives credit for himself we are truly indeed brilliant,but what he keeps him from his own brilliance is his own belief capacity.
With God anything is possible,abraham spoke to God face to face.Enoch walked with God and did not see death.Who are we that the God of this universe should recognize us.We are but a speck of sand on the seashore.We are vessels either of darkeness or of light.That is all we are you either represent christ or the adversary.What we think has a direct relation to what our outcomes are.
God wants us to have victory over what ever battle we are facing,or challenge,but we must be in alignment with God so that we can defeat them.We can only have victory over them with the power of God working through us.Having a spritual life means tending to the garden of your mind.
You want a beatiful Garden you have to spend time with yourself to sord yourself out.Line your goals in life and be at balance with yourself.
Some people are messy and dont even know why they entered a room because everything is so cluttered and they have so many things going on in there head.Make God the number one priority in your life,follow in his footsteps,and follow his commands and you will have life.
Dont choose death over life because we are all made for a purpose and we were created to meet that purpose.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

cold season nights

Adam and eve the first couple we can learn about but its not them that we must follow because they were the first to mess up. Adam loved eve to fall with her knowing the consequences.Just as it is the same with Jesus and the church.Jesus became sin who knew no sin that we may become the righteousness of the law.heart knowledge is the oldest knowledge in fact most  of the knowledge comes from the heart.fearing that many have lost there sense in touch for God it is most difficult to get people to start loving God again. once a love for God is ignited a love for humanity increases. The soul is entrapped by a little prison called self that thinks it knows what it wants but has no idea in all the soul suffers torment of bear drugs and lack of any love.the nourishment of the soul is love and the giving of love,that is the only currency that exists except in this world that is not received. i am in the spiritual realm more then the physical at times, because we are all spiritual beings stuck in this world for a short time. Finding my passion is really important to me and knowing what i want to do. you can learn a lot about people by reading the bible. people think that the bible is just a boring old book, but its in fact the blueprint of ones life.not that i go and preach it to the millions in fact life is the greatest sermon ever told. How do you pray? every person you meet is a conversation with God every unique personality is a part of God expressing him self.You will treat others the same way you will treat God. A kingdom can survive an attack from the outside but no kingdom can survive treason from within, so like i always say you are your own boss you manage your body you manage everything you do ultimately you will make the decisions and you will end up where you decide to be. you are the sum of your experiences and the some of your thoughts lets get it straight do what you want not what you are forced to do, do you want true love? search for you want money search for money but at a price. do you want materialism by all means fill yourself and hoard all the materials you want just ask your self this one question.Was it worth it?